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... on both PCs and Macs and is very robust.  For those of you who do not understand what a remote access or remote desktop sharing application is; to sum it up in a simple sentence: It is an program ...
2. IT Support
(Products & Services/Services)
We understand that you have a demanding schedule that requires a system downtime to be as minimal as possible.  We know that if your system not functioning at its best, you are in essence losing revenue, ...
3. Graphic Design
(Products & Services/Services)
SITCA has industry trained professionals utilising creative means to synthesise graphic representations of your communicated creative-briefs.  By having an acute understanding of the market as well ...
4. Terms of Service | Privacy Policy
(Uncategorised Content)
... privacy is very important to us. Accordingly, we have developed this Policy in order for you to understand how we collect, use, communicate and disclose and make use of personal information. The following ...
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