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... services and even gave a brief history on the Manager, Kadesh Bailey.  SITCA feels quite humbled to be mentioned in the magazine and is hopeful of other publications taking suit. Read about SITCA in ...
We get that question a lot and whilst sometimes you may get advice to change hosting companies or upgrade your server package or increase your bandwidth allotment, quite possible you only just need to ...
For some of you aspiring professionals or persons who want to create a web presence but have a small or limited budget, there are a few options available to you - some of which you may consider quite surprising. ...
... which allows you to access or control a computer/laptop from a remote location Technically it is more than that, but the above is a good-enough statement.  TeamViewer has quite a few features but ...
5. Welcome to our web site
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... Our consultants have decades of experience in various Information Technology disciplines. To learn more about us, click here. SITCA is quite pleased you have chosen to utilise some time to peruse our ...
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