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1. AdvancedSMS | Bulk Messaging
(Products & Services/Products)
      What is it? SITCA's AdvancedSMS system is our bulk messaging platform that enables the ability to simultaneously notify your audience with personalised text-messages ...
We are happy to annouce the release of our latest product SITCAVoice. SITCAVoice is tool that allows you to send bulk voice broadcasts and conduct automatic interactive surveys.  In essence, it is ...
... bulk sms messaging product was used to send out invitations to potential participants and spectators as well as congratulatory remarks to the winners.  The Alpha Billiards Club 8-Ball tournament was ...
4. Hello, welcome
(Uncategorised Content)
Who/What is SITCA? SITCA, Systems Information Technology Caribbean, is an Information Technology Solutions Provider based in Antigua, in the Caribbean. What do we do? Our main focus is bulk text-messaging, ...
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